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Kundalini Awakening and How to Understand the Energy in the World


What is Kundalini Energy?

Let’s start with the fact that we are energetic and electric beings. An atom contains of mostly vibrations and therefore everyone and everything has a certain vibrational level, a frequency. We transfer the energy through our bodies every day. By energy, I mean emotions, thoughts, and feelings. Emotions lock inside of our bodies if we don’t acknowledge them and move through them. The more emotions you are locking in your body on a regular basis the less space you have for your Kundalini energy.

Everyone has this energy in their bodies but it’s usually locked by traumas and emotions from past lives, the generations, or from your own experiences. Kundalini energy is based on your tailbone. This energy is the release of DMT in your body and sparks natural healing. It can sometimes even cause hallucinations, seeing colors around and developing some abilities such as feeling other’s energy, having visions of the future, and increasing your intuition and knowing. We know that DMT is released mostly at birth and when a person dies. That is because the emotional energy that was locking up Kundalini leaves the body. But we also release DMT throughout the day, just in small amounts. You can release more during deep breathing, meditation, yoga, and other spiritual practices that focus you on the body. The more we are mindful and focus on your body the more healing is happening inside of it. Healing can often be uncomfortable and painful, that’s why if someone is overdoing spiritual practices they can experience a “bad trip” because the body is healing very rapidly and for this to happen it needs to go through big amounts of pain.

In Buddhism Kundalini was normally reserved for highly spiritual figures, because in the past no one had time and opportunity to engage in self-development, meditation, or breathwork. Kundalini is the joining of your female energy (Shakti) and male energy (Shiva). Those names come from Buddhist mythology. This does apply to our bodies as the left side of our body holds trauma for female figures from our lives, our generational lineage, and our past lives. At the same time, our right side holds those emotions for males. When we release enough of emotional trauma from both sides of your body the male and female energies can join and create Kundalini energy that is roaming around your body, looking after it and healing it.

It’s an intelligent energy, the energy of your soul that knows exactly what you need and want, that is and isn’t good for you. It’s “You at the Core”, the “True Self” without all the emotional layers that we put on ourselves to protect ourselves from the adversities of Earthly life. It’s You without ego. We all are going through what is called a Kundalini Awakening – the joining of Shakti and Shiva. However, everyone is different when it comes to the intensity of symptoms. When you start to break through limiting beliefs about yourself, and societal norms and you surrender to the pain that is inside of you to release it your awakening speeds up.

When that happens you start gaining so much insight about yourself, others, and the world. You start to understand things on a new level that you haven’t visited before. When your awakening and Kundalini energy are on the rise because you are becoming the best visions of yourself, you might experience serendipitous events, good situations aligning, right people finding you. There can also be more turmoil in your life for a time because if you want to “level up” like this the universe will test you. If you jump through those hoops, there are always big rewards waiting for you when it comes to career, money, relationships, and friendships. Your manifesting power increases and your body can heal much quicker.

Symptoms of a Strong Kundalini Awakening

  • Experiencing deep peace and bliss within oneself
  • Experiencing oneness with nature, people, and the world
  • Seeing different colors around you or other people (auras)
  • Serendipity enters your life, you meet the right people at the right time, and situations are beautifully aligned for you
  • You start getting what you actually want and need
  • You have increased compassion for yourself, others, and the world
  • Anxiety, depression, and experiencing strong emotions
  • Having a lot of sensations in your body especially while around other people
  • Experiencing bubbling sensations under your skin
  • Depersonalization and derealisation
  • Hallucinations
  • Softness in your body and muscles at times
  • Cramps, stiffness, and bones cracking
  • Spontaneous body movements into yoga-like poses
  • Rapid changes in body temparature
  • Body hanging shape and structure, bones relocating and healing
  • Long-term health problems going away
  • Getting sick
  • Changing your life path and preferences to be more healthy and aligned with your values

Stages of Kundalini Awakening

It’s important to understand that you might not experience all stages. You might also experience a different sequence of these stages and jump from one to the other and back.

STAGE 1: Turmoil

Often strong awakening will start with some catastrophe. That’s why emotions are rattled and bring up everything at once to be healed. It doesn’t always happen. Perhaps your awakening started because you are just a very healthy person and you are ready for that transition. Nevertheless along the way of the awakening something problematic will happen in your life to test you on a different consciousness level.


STAGE 2: Bliss

You will experience wonderful sensations of oneness with the world, people, animals, and nature. Your capacity for love will increase. It’s an intoxicating feeling so often people (like myself) follow that bliss and get attached to this phase and later suffer consequences. This phase is connected to the natural DMT that you are releasing in large amounts during your awakening. Colors might seem brighter, sounds more euphoric and close, and smell more beautiful and intense.


STAGE 3: Dark Knight of the Soul

Often comes after an intense period of Bliss. That is because the more you experience pleasure the more your body is thinking that you can handle pain. That’s why it’s so important to not attach to the feel-good sensations. You will need to allow that pain in your body. Accepting that your ego and the “past you” are dying. You will need to let it transform you in a better version of yourself. Making big changes in your life is normal and necessary in order to come out of this phase. You might experience all the uncomfortable symptoms from the list above.


STAGE 4: Limbo

In this stage, you are out of the woods when it comes to severe symptoms and uncontrollable mood swings. You will most likely still experience strong emotions but during this period you need to learn how to control those releases. Currently, I practice yoga, movement, deep breathing, sensor deprivation (blindfold), and listening to emotional music in combination. I would allow myself to cry, let Kundalini move me around and I release plenty, then I laugh and enjoy the space I created. The whole thing may take me up to an hour and I’m good for the day, enjoying my sunny mood.


STAGE 5: Baseline Bliss

I have listened to many videos of people who are going through the same thing and they often say that eventually the symptoms settle and you are just never as upset, sad, fearful, etc. As much as I do experience this, I’m still experiencing big releases on a daily basis. Nevertheless, some people may not need the release on a regular basis anymore and are just maintaining a good routine and never have flair ups. I’m guessing it will take me a few more months or years to get there. But being in between stages 4 and 5 is not bad at all.

My Story with Kundalini Awakening

I led a pretty regular life until my very strong Kundalini Awakening. I wasn’t perfect but I was on the path of self-development and growth at my own pace. And that’s how it usually starts. I was somewhat spiritual, did some past life regression hypnosis on myself and other people, and looked after my body training and diet wise. That’s when I met a first partner that I chose to fully commit to named Dan, but that didn’t work out. I’ve experienced a lot of sickness and body turmoil at the end and after that relationship. After that I’ve met yet another Dan who was exactly what I wanted, but perhaps not what I needed. We were dating for only 4 months and yet that left me with a lot of unresolved emotions and forced me to take a hard long look at myself. I started having body pains already during this relationship. My hips, spine, and arms were already readjusting because I started to release a lot of emotions around that partner. I had no idea that it was the start of a very strong Kundalini awakening. 

After that partner left me, I experienced, unusual for me, flair ups of emotions, an inability to focus or engage in my previous “soothing” “fixing” behaviors such as drinking alcohol or even watching TV. The only thing that was soothing the body pain was meditation and deep breathing so I engaged in that a lot. I started feeling much better, even “God like” and eventually I overdone it and I started experiencing strong anxiety, depersonalization symptoms. I had to take antidepressants and anti-palpitation medications for a week just to go to sleep. I blamed myself for going too far but the truth was this journey was meant to happen like this for me to learn important lessons about myself.

I’ve experienced strong bubbling sensations all the time and all over my body. Also, spontaneous astral projections, which means to feel like you don’t have a body and your soul leaves to go to outer space. I experienced flashes of colors in my eyes, hearing hummings, and still experiencing seeing auras. I’ve also started having visions and premonitions that were coming true. Serendipity became a part of my daily life, making me feel that I’m on a quest every day. My body started moving spontaneously, my bone structure changed and I was experiencing cracking bones and cramps frequently. My long-term health concerns such as low immunity, flat foot, and hemorrhoids went away. I experienced a prolonged sinus infection but that went away eventually and I know it was just a sign of my body purging. I started feeling other’s energy, when a person has an issue with a particular body part, emotion, or a chakra center I would feel it in my body as well. At first, those sensations were overwhelming but they normalised and now it’s more of a tingling sensation.

During that difficult and beautiful time, I’ve met so many wonderful people who also work on themselves. Many amazing opportunities found me and my creativity skyrocketed. My life has transformed in so many ways and I’m so grateful for it. Even though I had to go through a lot of hardship, it was all worth it because I had refound myself in the best version that I have ever seen in my life. I would never go back to what was. I have experienced such wonders and beauty because I have created so much space within myself by accepting and surrendering to the pain that was locked inside of me. I’m so grateful to have found my bodyworker Alex (IG: @the.alpha.era) who helped me through it and exorcised my demons out of me when it comes to transgenerational and past life trauma. Often we have issues with releasing those traumas because they are not ours and we can’t make sense of them. 

What to Know about Kundalini Activation?

It’s important to understand that Kundalini energy is a very powerful force and it shouldn’t be messed with. There are plenty of now quite mainstream Kundalini activation classes and as much as it can help some it can also cause strong awakenings like mine. If you want to avoid extreme turmoil I would suggest to be careful with activating yourself or allowing others to activate you. You can get there by yourself just by leading a healthy life and working on yourself. Kundalini journey is “purification through fire”. I could literally feel my body lighting up in heat, changing temperatures, and heat energy coming up my spine. If you are not ready for it, the energy will make you ready and if you don’t surrender to it it will make you. That’s why there are cases of Kundalini psychosis. People who don’t want to do the work, to experience and surrender to pain, and to have an “easy” way out can experience strong mental health problems. You need to have faith and trust in the process and not get hung up on difficult or beautiful emotions. Take emotions as they come, don’t interrogate or question them, allow them to go through each time and that’s the way to overcoming a strong awakening. If you are experiencing Kundalini awakening don’t hesitate to contact me, I’ll be happy to help guide you through it and know others that can assist you as well. You are not alone.

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