Kundalini Meditation

Even though I’m a mental health professional and work with psychological approaches I am also a deeply spiritual person and believe that science hasn’t explained everything. Currently people like Dr. Joe Dospenza, Gavor Mate, Wim Hof, and other pioneers of increased human awareness experiments and studies are scientifically and empirically proving that the Kundalini Awakening is very much a scientifically explainable process. Their work on their own bodies and people who experienced “miraculous” healings prove that everyone has the potential to heal their bodies by awakening Kundalini energy. This will be very uncomfortable for Big Pharma companies! Governments for a long time have been preventing this awakening by demonizing psychedelic use but is now proving to be a phenomenal method for facilitating life-changing psychological and physical improvements.

We have also been finding out how emotional is physical and vice-versa. I started helping people who also believe in spiritual practices and are open to their Kundalini Awakening. Dramatic changes in your body because of an intense type of awakening can be scary and isolating if you do not have enough knowledge of your body, spiritual practices, and supportive community around you. I also counsel people who need guidance in finding their way to awakening.

My awakening has culminated in 2024, nevertheless, the knowledge I acquired over the years helped me to go through is quickly and relatively to other people smoothly but not without turbulence and breakdowns. Please, remember that you are not alone and that Kundalini Awakening is a good thing for your life, we have been put on this planet to experience it, and if it is happening to you the best thing that you can do to not make this situation more difficult is to embrace it and allow it in your body to do it’s work.

Awakening is the union of masculine (Shiva) and feminine energy (Shakti) in your body. Good masculine energy is representing the truth and knowing what you want in life, being a good leader and provider. Negative male energy however is being loud, yelling, having your “emotions out” with negative expressiveness, and not with good communication. “Male energy trauma’s” signs are a lack of compassion for self and others, hedonistic and self-serving behaviors, workaholism, and engaging in substance use. Healing this energy means becoming more compassionate and open to especially other people’s emotions. Good feminine energy on the other hand is nurturing and nourishing others and self and being compassionate. There is also negative feminine energy which is self-sacrificing, people-pleasing, not knowing your truth, and being inauthentic. A remedy for your “feminine energy traumas” is speaking and discovering your truth, setting up healthy boundaries, and developing more compassion towards the self. When we address both feminine and masculine energy problems we are entering the final stages of the awakening. We talk about “masculine” and “feminine” but in truth we all exhibit traits from each realm. The point of our journey here is to master the goodness of both worlds in our bodies and stop promoting unhealthy trauma reactions.

I teach how to learn to soothe strong body symptoms, let the process take the smoothest course it can, and heal your body in the very best way.

Signs of Kundalini Awakening:

  • body pain
  • spontaneous cracking of the joints
  • spontaneous and uncontrollable body movements leading you to yoga-like body poses
  • derealisation and depersonalization
  • anxiety, depression, and other strong emotional states
  • notion that you need to change your life and yourself
  • feeling the need to cleanse the body with fasting
  • numbness in some body parts
  • bubbling or antsy-like feelings underneath your skin and moving through your body
  • being drawn to spiritual practices
  • increased awareness of your flaws and other people’s flaws
  • digestive or other physical problem


Stages of Kundalini Awakening:


1. Preparation

Before Kundalini’s awakening, individuals may unknowingly experience certain phenomena that prepare the groundwork for the awakening process. These may include occasional feelings of spiritual longing, moments of heightened intuition, or an unexplained sense of being connected to something greater than oneself.

2. Initial Awakenings

The first glimpses of Kundalini’s awakening often involve spontaneous and temporary experiences of bliss, deep peace, or altered states of consciousness. These initial awakenings may occur during meditation, intense emotional experiences, or without any apparent trigger.

3. Intensification

As the Kundalini energy begins to rise more consistently, individuals may feel a surge of energy along the spine, often described as a tingling or electrical sensation. This energy can be intense and overwhelming at times, leading to physical, emotional, and psychological shifts.

4. Clearing and Purification

During this stage, practitioners may undergo a process of purging and clearing past traumas, unresolved emotions, and negative patterns. This can be a challenging phase, as it requires confronting and releasing deeply ingrained conditioning.

5. Opening of Chakras

The rising Kundalini energy activates and balances the body’s energy centers, known as chakras. Each chakra corresponds to different aspects of human experience and consciousness. As the chakras open, individuals may experience a greater flow of energy, heightened intuition, and an expanded sense of awareness.

6. Union of Shiva and Shakti

Kundalini awakening is often depicted as the union of Shiva and Shakti, representing the masculine and feminine energies within us. This stage involves harmonizing these energies to achieve a state of balance and integration.

7. Spiritual Insight and Transformation

As Kundalini’s energy continues to rise, individuals may gain profound spiritual insights, deepened inner peace, and an expanded sense of interconnectedness with all of existence. This stage is marked by a profound transformation of consciousness.

8. Integration

The final stage of Kundalini’s awakening involves integrating the profound experiences and insights gained during the process into daily life. This integration allows individuals to live in alignment with their higher selves and spiritual purpose.

Things that help during difficult times of the awakening:

  • spiritual practices like meditation, yoga, saying mantras or affirmations, praying
  • being around nature and grounding (having bare feet on the ground)
  • buying a grounding mat or sheets (sometimes having them on for a whole night can be too intense to sleep so try to manage your use)
  • being mindful of what you are doing and why throughout the day
  • developing healthy boundaries with people
  • having good social support
  • reaching out to a guru, guide, or a therapist who has experience with the Kundalini Awakening
  • protecting your energy by carrying and surrounding yourself with crystals such as: Amethyst, Opal, Selenite, Citrate, Obsidian, Turmaline, and Shungit.
  • trusting the process
  • changing your life along with the process (people often want to get more fulfilling jobs, looking for friends who have similar experiences or are spiritual and further in their awakening, keeping your house clean and nourishing, working on your bad habits)
  • practicing compassion for yourself and other people
  • acknowledging emotions that are coming up but not acting on them and letting them pass through your body
  • having a balanced routine
  • supplementing with vitamins and minerals
  • drinking plenty of water (I add a pinch of Celtic salt to 1 glass of water, it keeps the water in your system for longer)
  • journalling
  • engaging in Reiki, Sound Healing or other energetic healing techniques
  • changes in libido

There are many other techniques that I use with clients, amongst them is Internal Famly System Therapy which also has spiritual connotations, and Relational Life Therapy for couples if you are going through a similar thing together with your partner. I give recommendations, guidance, and help with emotional processing but I do not engage in more physical and energetic healing. The most energetically healing technique that I use is the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique developed by Dolores Cannon. Nevertheless, I’ll be happy to connect you with people who use other approaches. My main area of expertise is sex therapy and with it, I can also guide you on reengaging in sexual exploration during or after your awakening which people often find challenging. I am a trauma-informed counsellor and Kundalini Awakening is basically getting all the trauma out of your body. I use somatic techniques such as Art Therapy and Flash Approach (Similar to EMDR) to ease your symptoms and get the trauma out. Your world is turning upside down, it’s normal that you will feel like you are trying the same things but it seems like a new person is performing them. It’s ok to feel intimidated by it, slowly you will find your way to a better life. With that life you can also much easier use manifestation and create your reality, your life really could be to your liking and I teach how to manifest your reality as well. Good luck! You will get through it!

What is Kundalini Awakening?

To better understand

Kundalini awakening is what is happening to us throughout our lives, it’s the increasing consciousness of who we are as humankind. Amongst other things it’s becoming better people for others and for ourselves. Treating everyone, including yourself as one and the same is the essence of Kundalini power. Kundalini energy is inside all of us but we are at different levels of self-awareness. Some will have visceral body symptoms of Kundalini energy rising such as anxiety, depressive states, body numbness or pain, changes in temperature, problems sleeping, digestive issues, and many others. What we perceive as physical sickness and mental health problems is all driven by Kundalini energy rising in your body.

Therapeutic Session Costs

Let's Create a Support Group!

To better understand

I’m in the process of creating a support group for Kundalini Awakening or awakened people. It’s so important to create that community while you are going through this massive life change. I’ll be facilitating and developing the group but you can also get involved on different levels and attend retreats with like-minded individuals.

Therapeutic Session Costs

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