What is Reiki?

Reiki is an energetic healing technique used for centuries. We also subconsciously do it to ourselves throughout our life not even realizing. You know when you pump your toe and you start to massage it to make it feel better? Our touch is literally healing because we vibrate and vibrations are healing. If you want to explain it in a contemporary scientific way than you can say that touch is closing down the pain pathway in the brain and we have evidence for it already.

Nevertheless, new type of physics that emerged and is not a Newtonian type taught at schools is Quantum Physics it talks about vibrations and the body. We are composed of atoms and majority of an atom is composed of vibrations. Therefore everything on this planet has a certain vibrational frequency, including us. Hence our touch can be healing because we can raise someone else’s vibrations and therefore heal them too.

During a reiki session, I would touch or hover over certain body parts to increase vibrations in that area and direct the stagnant energy out of the body. We hold on to not only our own emotions but also the people that we encounter in life, especially family members, partners, and friends. Those attachments and emotions that we hold on to lower our vibrational level and don’t allow for healing properties in our body to reach the trauma points. The more energy we release the more happiness, fulfillment, joy, and healing we can experience.

Because my Kundalini energy is very active you will be getting “Reiki on Steroids”, every person that I have practiced with had some body sensations such as tingling, feeling warmth, or pressure which means that the body is reacting to the healing. Some had big life changes after the treatment. This service is available both online and in person, but of course in person service will be much more powerful.

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